DAB+ tender in Poland.
A tender for the extension of the DAB+ multiplex in Poland has been launched. The public broadcaster has decided that broadcasting in Katowice, Łódź and Opole will be handled by Emitel.
The tender was launched in March 2023. The scope of the contract includes transmission services to broadcasting stations and the distribution of multiplex signals in the DAB+ standard, as well as the extension of broadcast coverage. The plan will be implemented from October 1, 2023.
Monika Kuś, spokeswoman for Polish Radio, explained in an interview with Wirtualnemedia.pl that according to the draft charter of obligations submitted by Polish Radio to the National Broadcasting Council, from October 1, 2021, over 80% of the Polish population should be covered by DAB+. Meanwhile, the technical coverage of Polish radio in the DAB+ system still represents almost 61% of the Polish surface area. Thus, public radio stations reach around 5% of potential beneficiaries (over 44 million inhabitants).